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Rishona Gage (#13930)

Let me start by saying Paparazzi came into my life at the right time. In the beginning of 2013, I was looking into starting my own jewelry business. I had my Business License and started preparing myself to travel to New York at least once or twice a month to purchase my inventory to sell. Well it just so happened one of my friends hosted a Paparazzi jewelry party at her house and I wasn't able to make it due to working late that night, so she sent me picture texts of the jewelry. I was so amazed that the pieces ONLY cost $5, so I purchased 6 or 7 pieces. Once I saw the actual pieces, I couldn't believe the quality of this jewelry! I asked my friend for the number of the Paparazzi consultant who she hosted the party for and I called her for 3 consecutive days. She was very helpful and answered every single question I had asked..........I was sold, from that moment I knew I had to join this business and I AM SO GLAD I DID!!! Paparazzi is the BEST and I LOVE IT!!!