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Angela Braswell Cobb (#18454)

I joined Paparazzi June 28, 2013. I am currently a Executive Director with Paparazzi and have a team of Consultants joining me on this journey. Prior to joining, I had lost my job of 54k a year and had to take a state job of losing $30K in salary. Steadily felt like I was losing money because I had to get another car at this point. 1 week before joining Paparazzi I went to the car dealership where I had to leave a post dated check to pay my down payment. Yes, it was God that I could do that. With 1 Week into the business I was able to to join in an event with my sponsor and up-line and from the profits I was able to walk into the dealership and ask for my post dated check back and pay with cash! The best decision I’ve made in my life! Paparazzi changed my life and I am still excited as if it was my first day joining the business! So, allow Paparazzi to change your life and join my amazing team! #DivineJewelsAndGents Call me at 252 314-3227 or e-mail me at