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Welcome to My Site!

Terra Wilhelm (#58322)

Hello! I’ve been married for 30 years to my Husband, Jim. We have 2 Daughters & Son-N-laws, Ashley & David and Tiffany & Justin. I have 6 Grandkids! I started Paparazzi 8 years ago, mainly to get the 45% Discount and to buy Christmas gifts. Little did I know then, how it would take off! I did not know how fun it was going to be! I did not know I was going to be part of a sisterhood and meet so many wonderful people, whom I’m grateful to call my friends. I didn’t know I was actually going to be able to make the money I do, to pamper myself each month with manicures, pedicures, massages, trips and much more! Here recently I was able to pay CASH for my new roof! CASH! 👈🏻 Now that’s a big deal! Thanks for supporting me in my little jewelry business! I’d love you to Join me on my Journey! Let’s make your own journey together! It is so much more than $5 Jewelry!