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Roxane Nissell (#64312)

Thank you for joining my page. I joined Paparazzi because I thought it would be fun to meet new people and get myself out of the box. I have accomplished that and now I have realized that Paparazzi has given me the opportunity to earn extra money. As a single parent I have always found struggles financially. This year that has changed. Paparazzi has given me the means to take vacations and provide the financial support to my daughter who is a senior in college. The opportunities are endless with Paparazzi and I continue to work towards goals each and every month. The best decision I made was taking that first step and signing up. I have been with Paparazzi for three and half years now and I am amazed at the opportunities it has brought me. Not only that, my team is amazing. Sisterhood is strong and the support, training, and encouragement they bring to the table is amazing. If you are interested in changing your life, not only financially but socially, lets talk.