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Princess Bling (#7430)

I started with Paparazzi in July 2012. What a life changing decision from not having to worry about how the next bill will get paid to the amazing friends and experiences I have been able to experience. I have had so many opportunities from going to the Dominican Republic, Cabo San Lucas for free, to being a runway model for the Zi Collection, to all the other experiences. When you love what you do you will never work another day in your life and I am doing that every single day of my life. Let me just say the most rewarding part of what I do is getting to help others that need the extra income and seeing them find the success they want out of there business. What could possibly be better than helping someone. I get to give back everyday to my team, I get push my team everyday, and I get to celebrate there success with them. Join me and lets change the world together $5 at a time.