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Kimberly Arceo (#1117388)

Hello, My name is Kimberly (Kim) I AM BACK!!! YEAH!!! I took some time off from selling Paparazzi because I had thyroid cancer. I am now feeling so much better and never really stopped wearing the jewelry. I have LOVED jewelry since I was a little girl, I was the only girl in the family on my moms side, so you can imagine, jewelry was and has always been a favorite of mine. I love that poparazzi lets you feel special and glamorous without breaking the bank. So if you are new to Paparazzi and want more info reach out to me, if you want to shop around, just hit the SHOP button and even better if you would like to join my team just hit the JOIN MY TEAM button. I would love to have you with me on this journey and see where 2024 takes us. God Bless and Have an AWESOME New Year.

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