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Hilary Diaz-Cruz (#92413)

I joined Paparazzi mid-August 2017, a month after my sister introduced me to it. I knew immediately that it was the perfect fit for me and my busy family! My husband and I have four young kids and living paycheck to paycheck has become the norm. I wanted to be able to earn extra money without leaving my home and Paparazzi was the answer! I LOVE being part of the Papa Family and the gorgeous bling is an added bonus. It is the best thing I've ever done for our family - we are able to keep up with expenses without wondering if we'll be able to make our money stretch to the next paycheck. My kids are actively involved in helping with events, packaging orders, and interacting with my beloved customers! If you have any question if this is the right choice for you, DO IT! You'll never regret making the decision. Peace, Love, & Bling HilaryDCBling (find me on FB)